Page name: I Love Kriz [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-10-27 21:06:36
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I Love Kriz

Other WIkis i have:

-Kriz' Piks
-Oreo.Lovers I LOVE MY OREO!!!Dont YOU?!

You say im Hot?Sexy?Cute?

wich im NOT!

You say u


You want to MARRY me?
or.......ur just MY FRIEND :D


Here's a Banner, ADD IT TO UR PAGE!!! :P
Url to it: **

Or This Banner for the ONLY FRIENDS



Please stop fighting for beeing the first on my list, that dosnt means anything


02-[Illusional mind]
05-[owell whatever nevermind]
07-[kai ri]
09-[Cute Deranged Psycho]
11-[Disconnect ..-Dots-..]
13-[Little Insane Cat]
14-[Rizzie and Bump]
15-[Obi-Wan's Padawan Learner]
17-[Miss Pinkki Doodles]
19-[Cute face wit a chubby waist]
20-[Grotesque Desire]
22-[~twilight falcon~]
26-[the loved wolf]
27-[Acomplished Exile]
28-["Mommy" -Yoyo's Mom^^]
29-[Lithium Lullaby]
30-[~* ZoDi4C *~]

Put The Damn MotherFuckig BAnner on Ur Damn Page Homies -.-

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2004-12-02 [Fateless]: no, i don't do it cuz other people i do it cuz i enjoy it...what if i like putting my problems on other peoples brains? after all, i am, according to some, a sick and twisted girl!

2004-12-03 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: You're hopeless. Don't be so full of yourself. You don't put any problems on our minds just because YOU have problem. This just makes you look like a histrionic show off, which you are, of course.

2004-12-03 [triad]: No man, you are just so fuckign young and naturally think you know it all. . . . . man you just 13, 14 ok! 13 shitty yrs on earth, like me, we dont know shit, settle down, keep your riches to yourself

2004-12-03 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Long time no see.

2004-12-04 [Fateless]: actually i'm 16 and well...if you really got to know me, i'm not full of all...nor am i a showoff...

2004-12-04 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Well, sweetie, you don't act sixteen.

2004-12-05 [Fateless]: i know! it's becuz i choose not to...i'm happier being the age i feel than the age i really am

2004-12-06 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Which, is like, my young assistant here said: 13.

2004-12-07 [Fateless]: no...more like 5! only a smart 5

2004-12-08 [triad]: young assistant???????? Im older mate

2004-12-08 [Fateless]: well maybe you seem me!

2004-12-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Sweetie, you think I care? I seem younger? Like YOU? Pardon me, but I don't act like a "smart" five year old.

2004-12-09 [Fateless]: i wasn't even talking about you, and i don't care if you care...i don't care if anyone cares!

2004-12-10 [triad]: but you do care bout your family, so you care, caring is wonderful

2004-12-10 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: She's just being cool

2004-12-10 [Fateless]: ....maybe my sister....but i haven't seen her for over 2 i really don't care unless someone hurts my baby kitties than i'll really be pissed!! or my fish....i'm the only one allowed to torcher them!

2004-12-11 [shuthefuckup]: >.> this is stupid

2004-12-12 [Fateless]: yeah...hmmm......bye!

2004-12-12 [triad]: Dont go please. please I beg you, stay close to me, I care

2004-12-14 [shuthefuckup]: O_o

2004-12-15 [Fateless]: don't even know could you care?

2004-12-15 [triad]: its instinctual

2004-12-15 [Fateless]: uh huh...right...

2004-12-18 [shuthefuckup]: lol

2004-12-19 [Fateless]: how can that know absolutely nothing about me you don't even know my name!!!!

2004-12-20 [triad]: so? As says my faith(christianity) we are all bros ans sis, all for one, so on those terms I love you and care about you

2004-12-20 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Me caes mal algunas veces.

2004-12-20 [triad]: Not too far behind poodlepet

2004-12-20 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Me reservo comentarios.

2004-12-20 [triad]: We say more by saying nothing at allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ohhhhh

2004-12-21 [shuthefuckup]: o_O te cae mal cuz he's christian? 

2004-12-21 [Fateless]: ok...what if i used to be christian and know all that crap, but don't believe it anymore and despise it w/ all my heart and the last person who tried got broken you still care?

2004-12-21 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: He knows why I say what I say, Christopher. Don't worry.

2004-12-21 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Fateless, you should try once in a while refraining from overboard unnecessary comments. It might do you good.

2004-12-22 [Fateless]: i really don't care cuz i don't know any of you and i don't plan on ever know you....

2004-12-23 [triad]: En esta no te entendí so clarifica si puedes. . .. . .and the mother of the teenie(young grass hopper, notepnkki is now poodlepet, making you fateless the young grass hopper) angst pathethic crying drama queen, please pick her up

2004-12-23 [Fateless]: what?

2004-12-23 [triad]: now?

2004-12-25 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: -.-

2004-12-25 [Fateless]: how old are you miss pinkki doodles?

2004-12-25 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: It's of no consequence my age.

2004-12-26 [triad]: lol ironically she is younger than me or you

2004-12-26 [Fateless]: how old is she?

2004-12-26 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Andres, shush. My age doesn't matter, princess. All that matters is you.

2004-12-26 [Fateless]: all that matters is me? i'm sorry, but i don't like being the centre of attention...what year were you born in?

2004-12-26 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: NOW you don't like being the center of attention? That's a bit weird for someone as histrionic as you. Sweetheart, I'm not as dumb as to not tell you my age, but my year of birth.

2004-12-26 [triad]: Tell her man, shove it in her face; Yeah, I'm __, so what, I'm smarter and I'm in school.

2004-12-26 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: No, man. I ain't gonna shove it in her face. It'd be pleasing her in an indirect way.

2004-12-26 [triad]: Naw naw, despues pasaría el bochorno de tener a una de 14 y 15 hablandoel verdad, ella teniendo 16, come on!

2004-12-26 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Well, ya que lo choteaste. Anwyho, me voy. Au revoir, mon petit chien.

2004-12-26 [triad]: Yo princess how old are you? au revoir

2004-12-27 [shuthefuckup]: Lol this is fun to read u know xP

2004-12-28 [triad]: a:How can you eb so cold Joey! She is saying suicidal thoughts man, were is your heart! Aint I right poodlepet?

2004-12-28 [Fateless]: joey doesn't care??? i'm proud of him!

2004-12-28 [triad]: Aww dont be indiferent, you do wan him to care. . . . . .. . you are not as you think you are. Have you seen aswethinkweiz?

2004-12-28 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Fateless is histrionic and dependent. If she says different it's only her mind trying to play reversepsychology on us. But she obviously does it on purpose. I think we should just ignore it, otherwise we'll just succumb to her desires, her needs.

2004-12-28 [triad]: Wtf? you lost me

2004-12-29 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Translate it, if necessary.

2004-12-29 [triad]: reverse psycology is failing miserably young grasshopper, I think if you were just honest with us and especially yourself everything'd be fine. breakdown, cry, kcik, let it out, let it all out and let us in along with your true self. lol god bless me

2004-12-29 [shuthefuckup]: .> dude...thats all plain bullshit. lol she;s like 13 i think i duno. she aint suicidal, she just lacks of attention and is really really stupid tahts all >.>

2004-12-29 [triad]: lol, seriously that was nasty, show soem heart man, Im schoked. . . . .anyways,. . .babe, i knwo your real age so it ok with me

2004-12-29 [shuthefuckup]: LOL babe and all? oh ok i get it.....ok ok im sorry babe, u know i love you, why dont u come down here ill show ya some "love"

2004-12-29 [Fateless]: HAHAHAAAA!!!!!!! i'm not doing reverse psycology and i'm not 13!! if i were still 13, i'd have a couple of babies by now!!! and i'm not dependent, if i were i would be dead and i'm not histrionic, my sister is...

2004-12-29 [triad]: a couple of babys. . . . . . . .your sister. . . . . . .were are you going mate, is it far away, need a lift?

2004-12-29 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I'm leaving this.

2004-12-29 [triad]: *Poodlepet on her period*

2004-12-30 [Fateless]: bye pinkki! maybe when you come back you'll not be miss grumpy! well, when i was 13 i wanted to have a baby before i turned 16, but i found better things to do and forgot about that until a couple of months ago but then i thought it was stupid...but anyways...i have better things to do right sooo! i'm gonna go!

2004-12-30 [shuthefuckup]: uhh....>.> ok babe, want some help with the baby? ;)   ill help u get it, u do the rest allright?

2004-12-30 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yeah, Munchausen by proxy on your ass, you idiotic silly little girl. Wait a sec, why you calling me poodlepet? Anywho. Fateless, idiot, you can get fucked by Santa or your daddy or anyone you want to get that baby, just do it elsewhere. Oh, and remember, you can't get pregnant from the ass^^

2004-12-30 [triad]: Babe you are definetly confused, get help, a phsycopologist(if such one exist) would definetly fit your case for attention disorder. . . . . . .remeber girls. . .poodlepet is Pinkki and grasshopper is now Fate(oh my god im too young to fuck)less

2004-12-31 [Fateless]: you people crack me up!!! first of all, i would gladly let you do that, second, who said anything about an ass??? and last...well...i'm not too young, i lost my mental virginity when i was 9! and i'm so ready to go all the way...

2004-12-31 [triad]: Wow. Young grasshopper shut up, you keep sinking

2004-12-31 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yes, I agree with lil Ninkunpoop.

2004-12-31 [shuthefuckup]: Lol xD

2004-12-31 [triad]: LOL! Poodlepet! Poodlepet! and the gay boy ^^

2005-01-01 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Oh, shush.

2005-01-01 [triad]: i dont wanna meet your moma, jsut want to make you comma, im, im just being honest, im just being honest

2005-01-01 [shuthefuckup]: .> who's the gay boy?

2005-01-01 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Sweetie, that's song is old. Get a new CD.

2005-01-02 [triad]: Fucm critics, if you dont like my lyrics you can press fast forward

2005-01-02 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ..Aha, just tell me where the button is.

2005-01-02 [triad]: If I haven't mentioned it already, it is on your messenger to your top-right. :)

2005-01-03 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ...

2005-01-03 [triad]: are you listening woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sing it back woahhhhhhhhhhhh

2005-01-03 [Fateless]: what the hell are you doing???

2005-01-03 [triad]: I have a song for you

2005-01-03 [triad]: Its called by myself, from linkin park's hybird theory.

2005-01-03 [triad]: ohhhh, do you hear a lot fo linki park fateless?(what is your actual name please)

2005-01-03 [Fateless]: i've heard it...don't like it

2005-01-03 [triad]: wow, that is weird, usually lp is asscociated with sucidal thoughts

2005-01-03 [triad]: do you like yellowcard?

2005-01-03 [Fateless]: yeah i know...i do like lp but not all of their work...and i despise yellowcard!!

2005-01-03 [triad]: lol haaaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahahahahahaha see pnkki, its a trend with these lp guys

2005-01-03 [Fateless]: wtf are you talking about? a trend?

2005-01-03 [triad]: yes yes see everyone o nearly most lp listeners are depressed and wanna die somehow or have had related thoughts

2005-01-03 [Fateless]: no...not really...that's just everyone you know

2005-01-03 [triad]: out of coincidence too right?

2005-01-04 [Fateless]: no, not neccessarily...maybe it's just that everybody you know is fucked up and you enjoy it!

2005-01-04 [triad]: No. take it this small community of ours for example here, Kriz isitn fucked up, only you and my bro are

2005-01-05 [Fateless]: too bad i don't live here!

2005-01-05 [triad]: you are as open as a closed toolbox. shut up

2005-01-05 [Fateless]: gladly

2005-01-07 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Asshole, Andres. It is so you to be stereotyping like this, especially when it's just stupid and futile. Anywho, Fateless, I'm glad to answered this fucking schmuck in such an un-whiny uncharacteristic way^^

2005-01-08 [Fateless]: i agree! i hate stereotyper like people...but yet, i love them at the same time! i like to piss them off and then make them feel bad somehow...but's it's not been working to well w/ you people...

2005-01-08 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: And there's were you went back to Old Mode.

2005-01-08 [Fateless]: oh goody!!!

2005-01-09 [triad]: Im not stereoptyping. Im making an obsevation on what I have noticed, infered, now you two teenies get pissed by it and for that Im glad

2005-01-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ...Sweetie, you are inferring from observations and giving it a title or classification...THat's stereotyping^^

2005-01-09 [triad]: No it is not dearest! Can you deny this?    Often, Linkin park listeners find themselves depressed or whiny or wondering around dark thoughts. No.

2005-01-09 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Andresito, you begin to annoy me. Say whatever you want. I don't give a rat's ass :)

2005-01-10 [triad]: Well good, same here mighty german wall

2005-01-10 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ...Righteo

2005-01-10 [triad]: The german wall fell! weeeeeeeeeeeeeee ironic!

2005-01-16 [triad]: Weee...this is fun fun ... berts password was so stupid its purdy :D - Boo-Doo

2005-01-18 [Fateless]: what?

2005-03-18 [Lithium Lullaby]: hello haven't been here in a while

2005-03-19 [Fateless]: i don't think anybody has...hi!

2005-03-22 [Lithium Lullaby]: hey...what'sup

2005-03-23 [Fateless]: not much...i think everybody left this sad sad wiki...

2005-03-24 [Lithium Lullaby]: I don't think kriz ever gets on anymore...I wish he would I miss him terrible

2005-03-25 [Fateless]: i think he left too...oh well, he's the one who's missing out on something...

2005-03-26 [Lithium Lullaby]: yup...and the same with everyone else

2005-03-27 [Fateless]: so true...

2005-03-28 [Lithium Lullaby]: so what have you been up to??

2005-03-30 [Fateless]: not much...the usual spring break stuff only no parties...what about you??? anything fun?

2005-03-30 [Lithium Lullaby]: no not really...spring break isn't until next week for me

2005-03-31 [Fateless]: really? wow...i thought my spring break was late...

2005-03-31 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol yeah

2005-04-01 [Fateless]: this is not fair...all of my friends are on spring break next week like you and mine is now and gah! it's so i can't do anything w/ them...

2005-04-01 [Lithium Lullaby]: ^_^ it's not like you can't talk to them though

2005-04-01 [Fateless]: i already talk to them all the time, we just don't do anything together anymore!

2005-04-02 [Lithium Lullaby]: :) I know how that is

2005-04-05 [Fateless]: and it sucks!!!

2005-04-06 [dendrite.]: what tis the password!

2005-04-06 [Lithium Lullaby]: dunno

2005-04-08 [Fateless]: don't ask me!

2005-04-11 [Lithium Lullaby]: mmmm

2005-04-11 [Fateless]: ...i'm bored...

2005-04-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: same here

2005-04-16 [Fateless]: it's official...i hate acceptions...

2005-04-18 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol

2005-04-19 [Fateless]: seriously...i do! and i will not change my mind...but yeah! how are you?

2005-04-19 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol wow...I'm great

2005-04-20 [Fateless]: hehe...that's good...i'm hyper!!

2005-04-22 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol I can tell

2005-04-23 [Fateless]:'s the wind factor! i swear! the wind makes me go crazy!

2005-04-23 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol yeah it has always been the full moon for me

2005-04-24 [Fateless]: oh yeah, that will work too. but tonight, i think it was the helium balloons!!

2005-04-25 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol yeah i like them

2005-04-25 [Fateless]: me too! i scared the crap out of one of my friends!! it was hilarious...

2005-04-28 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol how?

2005-04-30 [Fateless]: i sucked the helium then i called him and he didn't answer so i left a message and he called me the next day and asked if it was me and i got him to believe it wasn't me and then he got a new phone cuz he didn't want that person calling him again...i laughed...then told him it was me all along!!

2005-05-02 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol

2005-05-19 [shuthefuckup]: o.O wtf...ppl talk here ??? Lol

2005-05-19 [shuthefuckup]: O.O hahaha, KOOL, lol well....Kriz is back O.o wasup xD

2005-05-19 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol nothing here

2005-05-19 [shuthefuckup]: lol sos here >.>

2005-05-19 [dendrite.]: _> nutball

2005-05-19 [shuthefuckup]: o.O like peaNUTS?

2005-05-19 [dendrite.]: peaNUTS are nasty they get all sweaty and musty O__O

2005-05-20 [shuthefuckup]: LMAO

2005-05-20 [Lithium Lullaby]: roflmao

2005-05-21 [dendrite.]: O.O teehee

2005-05-21 [shuthefuckup]: starwars 3 kinda sucks >.>

2005-05-23 [Lithium Lullaby]: kinda but I loved skywalkers transformation

2005-05-24 [shuthefuckup]: lol i dun get why he has some kind of control or buttons on his chest O.o it like the volume or something? AH UR TOO LOUD MAN *pushe sbutton* xD

2005-05-24 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol

2005-06-13 [shuthefuckup]: extremely bored... this wiki is dead. lol

2005-06-13 [Lithium Lullaby]: yeah that's because no one talks here anymore

2005-06-13 [shuthefuckup]: lol no one loves me

2005-06-13 [Lithium Lullaby]: I love you

2005-06-14 [shuthefuckup]: O.O *watery eyes* u.,...u do??

2005-06-18 [Lithium Lullaby]: yesh

2005-06-18 [dendrite.]: I lovers you toooooooooooooo! stop saying no one loves you >_>

2005-06-19 [shuthefuckup]: WOOOOOOO ive got 2 ^^ :D thats more than enuff :) THANK U <(O_O)>

2005-06-19 [dendrite.]: WHOOP! *dances*teeeeeeeeeeee

2005-06-19 [Lithium Lullaby]: *jumps on Kriz* We all love you*kisses*

2005-06-19 [dendrite.]: w00t *makes love to Kriz* O.o

2005-06-20 [shuthefuckup]:


Thats a lot of lovin , Lol

2005-06-20 [dendrite.]: *laughs so hard she falls out of her chair*ahahahahahaha

2005-07-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol *watches laughing*

2005-07-14 [shuthefuckup]: O.O woah someone typed, lol

2005-07-14 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol I type when I can Kriz

2005-07-15 [shuthefuckup]: lol no i meant cuz, no one has typed here in like months...or weeks or just a very very long time >.> <.<

2005-07-25 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol yeah I know what you mean

2005-07-25 [dendrite.]: OMG KRIZ IM GONNA RAPE YOU! XD

2005-07-25 [Lithium Lullaby]: O.O

2005-08-06 [shuthefuckup]: ...but...u know what they say: " u cant rape the willing " ; )  Lol

2005-08-13 [dendrite.]: oh yah thats true thats true =D

2005-09-08 [Lithium Lullaby]: you can pretend to...

2005-09-12 [shuthefuckup]: pretend to....wut o.O 

2005-09-26 [Lithium Lullaby]: O.O << >> O.O

2005-12-26 [dendrite.]: Kriz Im gonna rape you for christmas ^_^

2006-01-14 [shuthefuckup]: u didnt

2006-01-17 [dendrite.]: I wouldve O_O

2006-02-06 [Lithium Lullaby]: hmmmmm....kriz will you write me?

2006-02-07 [dendrite.]: he's writing me first

2006-04-09 [Lithium Lullaby]: ok

2006-04-09 [dendrite.]: XD SCORE!

2006-04-09 [Lithium Lullaby]: lol

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